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offline installation file for ESET 9

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Hi Friends,

It seems chat support is offline at this hour.  I'm installing ESET on a new computer, and downloaded the offline installation file.  But apparently I got the wrong version.  And I can't seem to find it for my version.


Would someone please tell me where I can download the offline installation file for ESET 9?


Thank you very much!

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Please clarify what you mean by "my version". The latest version of ESET's products is v10 which can be downloaded from https://www.eset.com/int/download-home/. After clicking Download, click Advanced download under "Download options" at the bottom of the page.

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Apparently I downloaded version 10, but when I entered my key, it said it was a key for a different version.  As stated before, the version I'm currently using is 9.



It said - Activation Failed because it was a key for a different version.


Edit #2

That link that you gave doesn't look like an offline installer.

Edited by brynn
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Oh, I think I see the problem.  I used the browser History to find the version I had downloaded yesterday (because now I can't seem to find it by browsing :rolleyes: ).  I think I might have downloaded the premium version instead of just plain Smart Security.  I'll try again and let you know what happens.

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While I'm working on that, I have another question.  I noticed (somewhere) that my license is only for one computer.  Once I install and activate it on the new computer, does ESET still work on the old computer?  Thanks  :)

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The license entitles you to use and update the ESET product that you have purchased (and any inferior product, such as EAV in case of an ESS license) on as many computers as the license was issued for. If you've got a new computer, you should uninstall ESET from the former one and then install it on the new machine.

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But what if I still occasionally will be using the old computer?  I mean, for a while, I'll be switching back and forth, back and forth, until everything is installed and configured on the new one.  So I'll be using the old one less and less.  But even after the new computer is completely set up, I still might use the old one once in a while.  You know, sometimes it's nice to have a 2nd computer for troubleshooting something.  Would I have to buy a new license just for that little bit?


Meanwhile, good news!  I got ESS 10 installed and activated!


I can't seem to find the scheduler though.  Has it been eliminated?  Or is it hiding?  Oops, I found it!  "More Tools" button in bottom-right corner of Tools window.  Not exactly hiding, but kind of.


Thanks again for your help  :)

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