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Hijin25 last won the day on March 28 2019

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About Hijin25

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  1. Thank you, if that's exactly what I meant. So if the programming did not change, if the way of working changed. Previously, I noticed that if the update task had not been executed within 60 minutes of the previous one because the PC was busy in a full screen application (game, movie, etc). As soon as I left the application, the search for updates occurred immediately. Not now, now if the last search was, for example, at 11:25 am and I use a program that requires full screen, and I exit the program at 2:45 pm, there is no immediate search for updates, despite more than one hour has passed since the last one, the search is carried out until 3:25 pm.
  2. Regards. I have a question about the configuration of scheduled tasks, specifically the one in charge of searching for virus definition updates. This task is scheduled to run every 60 minutes, but I remember that previously, if the task did not run at the scheduled time, it would run as soon as possible. Now the task is scheduled to run only at the scheduled time. Was it a deliberate change by ESET or is it a bug? I know I can change the programming myself, but I would like to know first what caused this change. Thanks in advance for your assistance.
  3. Does this option no longer exist in the configuration? I always activated it after installing the program, now I can't find it.
  4. Regards. I would like to know if the Banking & Payment Protection secure browser works with the latest version of EDGE based on chromiun. Thanks in advance.
  5. Same detection. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\package\tmp\tenfoot\resource\layout\library\controller_sourcemode_switches.xml_;una variante de Generik.JYMBBNR troyano;desinfectado por eliminación
  6. Previously, I had also experienced the fact that the program did not update automatically, but doing a manual search solved it. What puzzles me about this case is that the manual search will not show the update. Maybe it has to do with windows 10, it has been less than a month that I migrated from windows 7 to this system and did a clean installation. Maybe that's why my father's PC was updated well, because he has a lot with Windows 10 installed and EIS working. I hope that the next update of the program is successful, otherwise I will consider formatting again.
  7. Clearing the cache made no difference. I suppose the records I attached were useless. Finally yesterday I uninstalled version 13.024.0 and installed the latest version ( without any problem.
  8. I use windows 10 home V 1909. I already have the records I request. Do I attach them here in the forum or should I send them to an email address?
  9. I have the same problem. I do a manual search for update and find nothing. On my father's PC the program was automatically updated.
  10. Regards. Today I received an alert from Eset saying that a file had been sent for analysis, the funny thing is that the file was no longer on my PC. I went to the event logs to obtain more information about this alert and I find many events that indicate that anonymous statistical information has been sent to eset, events that did not appear before. The strange thing is that I refuse to participate in the customer experience improvement program. What's up with that statistical information? Why is it sent even though you refuse to participate in the program?
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