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Everything posted by cofer123

  1. Could it be related to this bug of Firefox? It currently has a size limit of 1024 HSTS entries, safely stored on a .txt file by the way, and once that fills up (happens within a few days for me) then it behaves in odd ways, sometimes no longer enforcing secure connections even with HSTS headers present. Why Mozilla in their wisdom adopted such a terrible implementation is beyond me, but I've been running into problems with sites randomly missing images/broken layouts for quite a while and it only happens on Firefox. They've apparently "fixed" that on recent updates by doubling the limit to 2048 entries, so instead of a few days it might take a couple of weeks before we run into that limitation again. Edit: here is an in-depth explanation about Firefox's behavior on this matter.
  2. So that's why I've not been able to use these sites recently? I remember searching for something there about a month ago, but the connection would just timeout. I figured the sites were having trouble since they would simply timeout without any errors. I can confirm I'm still unable to open these sites on a machine with EIS installed. I've just tried on another computer with just defender and my phone, both using the same ISP, it those sites load up instantly.
  3. Just adding my two cents here. Although I haven't used the interactive firewall in years, I used to have it enabled in the past. I like that now it's possible to create rules based on the application name instead of the install path, as some applications change paths when updated. My suggestions for the upcoming version based on feedback on the forums and my own ideas: Reintroduce Application Path as a choice: perhaps a toggle between Application Name or Application Path, since sometimes we have the same application in multiple places and we need different firewall rules for each (Python virtual environments come to mind); Firewall Notifications: I remember that sometimes the interactive dialogue wouldn't show up, causing the application in question to remain blocked, and subsequent notifications for other applications also wouldn't show up, causing a cascade of issues fixed only by a restart. I've read some people still complaining about it on the forums. My suggestion here would be a timeout for the interactive window and then send this missed dialog to either the OS notifications or add some visible list of missed notifications on ESET's main window, along with a tray icon alert; Possibility of creating rules based on Signer: Say some Microsoft application shows up on the interactive dialog, and you want to allow/deny all applications signed by Microsoft through the firewall. One simple rule would solve all future communication for applications in this category (this would also simplify rule creation outside of the interactive firewall scenario); Interactive Dialog only for non-trusted Signers: this idea changes the situations when user interaction is required. Instead of a per-application condition, show the firewall dialog only for applications of unknown or less reputable signers. Everything else follows the same rules as in Automatic mode. I could possibly think of more, but I've been using Automatic firewall for the most time now, and creating rules only when necessary.
  4. Is there some documentation on the upcoming changes of version 17? I'm curious what new functionality will a browser extension provide.
  5. It has been a few months. Is there any idea when Intel TDT will be available for Raptor Lake (13th gen) CPUs? Thanks.
  6. Works on my i7 9700k, which is older than yours, so who knows what is the criterion for selecting for which processors it's available.
  7. If you disable "Secure all browsers" under Banking & Payment protection in advanced setup, then all these new "improvements" will go away.
  8. Just to clarify: the I/O reads and writes shown on Task Manager do not correspond to disk reads/writes. It encompasses disk, network, inter-process communication, and devices. To clearly identify disk reads/writes, use a tool like Process Explorer with elevated privileges and enable the Disk Read Bytes and Disk Write Bytes columns.
  9. This is precisely what I've said since this new feature landed: Don't. Meddle. With. The. Browsers. SSL scanning is intrusive enough and even that can, sometimes, break stuff. Having Secure All Browsers as a default is not a good choice. Perhaps make it an option during install, like PUP protection, where the user has the choice of enabling it or not, and inform the user of what that entails. As it is, this just became something I have to instantly disable on every install of EIS.
  10. Thanks, I wasn't aware the behavior was different depending on where the option was set.
  11. Question: currently in EIS, when disabling Banking and Payment Protection, it warns the user that protection is downgraded, pretty much requiring that it be left enabled even thought the user might not want it. If someone does not want to enable the Secure all Browsers feature in future updates, and disabling Baking and Payment Protection will be the only way to avoid it, will EIS continue nag the user that it should be enabled to achieve full protection?
  12. Another annoyance: using remote desktop, this always shows on the remote browser unless I disable secure browser.
  13. None at all. It's unnecessary and annoying. I've always liked how ESET sat silently doing its job and never made itself known while using my computers. In the end I simply disabled the "Secure all browsers" setting. Now it behaves like in previous versions.
  14. How do I permanently disable the green frame around the browser? Version 16 just landed and, despite disabling it in the options, this green frame still shows every time a new browser window is opened. It's horrible.
  15. I have noticed this as well. In prior versions, the SSL/TLS list populated automatically, but now it no longer happens. I have reinstalled EIS recently on one computer (latest version and the list is now always empty. Another computer that's been running with EIS since earlier this year has several entries in the SSL/TLS list, and none of them have been manually entered. Is there some way to tell if SSL scanning is working properly?
  16. I can confirm. The issue seems fixed. I have performed the step I mentioned earlier and performed a clean install of EIS, waited for the module updates to finish, and the Performance Monitor counters are still working properly.
  17. Yes, I have tested it on two different computers performing the same steps: Already compromised system; Task Manager missing GPU monitoring, and Performance Monitor missing several counters: Use lodctr command to restore performance counters Task Manager and Performance Monitor start working again without any issues; Uninstall EIS; Reboot; Install EIS (updates not yet installed); Task Manager and Performance Monitor continue to work; Wait for EIS to fully update; The same errors in Task Manager and Performance Monitor manifest again, until I issue the lodctr command once more;
  18. Have you checked Performance Monitor? The issue is related, as the GPU reading in Task Manager captures the data the same way Performance Monitor does, and it also shows other issues besides the GPU reading. Simply opening Performance Monitor after a clean install of ESET followed by it fully updating triggered the issue more than once on my end. The lodctr command works because it restores the Performance Monitor counters.
  19. A fix would be nice. An acknowledgement that the issue exists would be even nicer.
  20. The question now is whether an ESET update will break it again or, preferably, if a future ESET update will fix this issue for other people that will not realize how to manually fix it.
  21. I registered only to report this same issue, affecting two distinct computers (edit, make that 5) running EIS. It applies to several other performance counters as well, not only the GPU. If you open Performance Monitor, it will warn you that it was unable to load several performance counters, as shown in the image below: I was able to replicate the issue following some of the reports here on an already compromised installation: Performance counters missing/corrupted; Restore them with lodctr /R on %windir%\SysWOW64 (running the command on the System32 folder was unsuccessful with an error code 2); Performance counters working again, no errors on Performance Monitor and GPU usage showing in Task Manager; Completely uninstall EIS; Performance counters still working; Install EIS again; Performance counters still working; Wait for EIS to fully update; Performance counters missing/corrupted with the same issues described above; Able to restore them again with lodctr /R Now it will take a few days to see if the issue reapers after ESET updates again. I'm not sure which module update is the culprit, thought.
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