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Everything posted by dlaporte

  1. The reason this would be beneficial is that when I make a change to a policy it doesn't show the changes unless I request the configuration.(or it takes WAY too long to wait for the changes to take effect) I have my agents checking in every 60 seconds and even though this is happening the policy is not updated? when you manually request the configuration the policy changes show up withing a couple minutes. Since I am in the process of tweaking our Security policy and have over 800 clients manually requesting configuration would not be feasible. I understand that the configuration pane is a viewing config...but it does show the date of the security policy in effect AND has the set changes every time I check and view them. This was verified by being able to ping the clients once we turned off the Firewall.
  2. That is exactly what it was. I had mistakenly installed the ESET Antivirus and not the endpoint
  3. yes. I have ALL in there and others. Probably my issue.. =) ill respond after I test it out. TY
  4. Here is a screenshot of the Agent service successfully being restarted Even after restarting the agent the old policy still shows up (dated APR 10th forgot to highlight it) Notice the firewall is ON! Clicking Request config seems to update the policy This updated within 3-5 minutes (dated APR 14th) Notice the firewall is OFF now. If this is possible it would eliminate having to go to every device and click on the Request Config option.
  5. I recently had to make a change to our default Security Policy and now it shows up twice? Do I need to be concerned? Why is this happening?
  6. Can someone send me the default settings? Please.. I think you can export them...?? TY
  7. I chose to leave out the Agent/Endpoint in my image.. This way you have no issues with licensing or older versions.. This forum is guiding me as to how to do the agent/eset endpoint via GPO and using dynamic grouping. https://forum.eset.com/topic/4220-era6-auto-deploy-to-new-computer-when-found-in-ad-ou/?hl=%2Bactive+%2Bdirectory
  8. Marcos, How can I check that (logs?) I guess I might have mistakenly done that. Is that why there is no firewall option?
  9. From the Details window>Configuration Does the "Request Configuration" force the Agent to check in with the server? If so will it then update the policy?
  10. I have also noticed that some PC's aren't showing the newest security configuration. after multiple reboots...
  11. I have 2 desktop PC's that have the same policy applied.. PC 1 PC 2 I know the dates are different, but it's the same policy??
  12. It would be nice to get notifications (or at least have the option to choose whether you get them or not) when you run a task. I am going to get carpal tunnel from Left clicking and going to "send a wake up call" ...then refreshing screen!!
  13. I have noticed that the one thing that seems to work quite well in ERA 6 is the Run Command. I have tested and been successful with changing the local admin PW using this. I used this command: net user administrator passwordhere passwordhere is your actual password Worked like a champ. My question is how secure is this? I realize the PW is visible within my ERA6 Web Console...if someone: 1. Hacked the signed username 2. Hacked the PW. What about through the network? using some sort of sniffer. What about once it gets to the agent on the target PC? Does the PW get placed temporarily on the target PC?
  14. I have a similar issue. the Virus Sig DB is 11282(20150306)
  15. I noticed there is a new version 6.1.402.0 I edited my Dynamic Group Template and need to run a command to my Dynamic Group.. TY
  16. VERY ANNOYED!!!! Why would you want to Mute a problem?
  17. TY. I will try the force option. I already figured out the send wake up call.. =)
  18. Very well said!!! I am so frustrated with this ERA 6.
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