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Everything posted by czesetfan

  1. Why was Android "killed" in the Main GUI ? 😭 👎
  2. All plans require an account. And the rebranding of the "EIS, ESSP" products to "Essential" and "Premium" does not bode well in this regard.
  3. A future only with an OnLine account ? One thing surprised me on the "Downloads" page: https://www.eset.com/int/download-home/#c9837795 For the existing products ESSP,EIS,... it is possible to download the specific installation file required. But "ESET Security Ultimate" is missing. Therefore this variant cannot be downloaded. It is only possible via the "Plan" "ESET HOME Security Ultimate", which can only be accessed after logging in (and creating) an OnLine account. This is worrying. Is this the future?
  4. The v16 was released in the second half of October. It is likely to be similar with v17. 👍
  5. This seems to work in: URL list management Lene I would need to edit the access in: Parental control ☚ī¸ And unfortunately it doesn't work here: https://help.eset.com/essp/16.2/en-US/idh_parental_acount_exception.html
  6. * I see, yes. I can't seem to block/allow sites with variable part of address. 🤔 For example: test01.com, test02.com
  7. Is it possible to block a specific subpage or just entire domains? Under Parental Control and IP Blocking?
  8. It doesn't have to be a direct browser add-on. Maybe it would be enough to extend the library of blocked elements in already working modules. E.g. Parental Control has a category "Online Advertising", only the blocking is very "subtle".
  9. This is addressed by "Web Access Protection" or "Parental Control", where if we don't allow access to "Uncategorized" then all new/unknown sites will be blocked. And yes, this will increase the number of blocks/FP. ☚ī¸
  10. My understanding is that the evaluation of the "detection confidence level" is a process that LiveGuard implements on the servers, so it's the resulting score from the analysis. Not the "suspicion" level of the local installation of ESSP on the PC that would decide to send it to LiveGuard. (High I send, low I don't.)
  11. Since the introduction of v4 has interest realistically declined? Conversely, how is "substantial" interest defined? So is the trend of the threat to home users of Linux desktop on the wane? I understand that the current effort to revive Home Edition is pointless, I'm just wondering.
  12. Is it possible to expect such a development? A GUI on basic options would be enough. Or is it really that costly to maintain a Home Edition even for a small audience?
  13. For example, a topic about settings uBlock Origin: ublock0rigin-in-medium-mode
  14. So far only Early Access from Marcos: https://forum.eset.com/files/category/3-early-access/
  15. For me, installing 16.1.13 went well with uninstalling 16.0.26 as part of the process. Is this correct? Not just like upgrading modules for example, where there is no complete removal of the previous version. Has anyone else tried this?
  16. I've upgraded from version 16.0.26, I can see this as a difference at a first look. I don't know if it could have an effect. 🤔
  17. No, I don't use All Browser Security. I have a different profile set up for the standard browser and a profile for the Secure browser (isolated browser running the Banking and payment protection shortcut). Upgrading from the downloaded 16.1.13 causes the Secure browser profile to be cleared/default set.
  18. Installing 16.1.13 will completely remove the Secure browser profile and create a new one. Is this caused by installing with a downloaded file, or will this also be the behavior of upgrading 16.0.X to 16.1.X ?
  19. Is there a changelog for 16.1.13 available ?
  20. Thank you for the information. I think I understand it more now. 🙂👍
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