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Hi, I have Smart Security 9, which works great, except in a secured browser.


When it detects I want to login to my bank or paypal account, it automatically opens a secure browser (I use firefox mostly). But when I go to type my username and password, it doesn't work! Like I just typed "mel" and "mmm" appeared! It happens in IE as well. So annoying. The only way I have found to stop it is to pause banking and payment protection, which isn't ideal. It isn't my keyboard, as I can type normally in normal browsers.


Please find a way I can fix it.


Thanks, Melanie.

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I am having the same issue. When I use the Eset secured browser and I try to type in my banking user name and password, it scrambles the key entries. It scrambles the keys on any program i.e word, excel, outlook etc. If I close the browser the keys are back to normal. What gives eset? I would love to use the eset secured banking but it's impossible. I am glad I am not the only one who is experiencing this issue. Can you tell me is there a fix for this or if one is on the way? I am using windows 10, and using internet explorer.

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Are you using the latest ESET version 10? Couldn't it be that you have another software performing key scrambling installed, such as Trusteer Rapport or some other incompatible software, such as Comodo Antivirus or HTTP Everywhere?

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No I have not installed any key scrambler or anything on my computer and I do have Eset 10. It only happens when I launch the Eset Banking browser. Once the eset banking browser is launched, it makes all other programs on my computer including the banking websites scrambles the keys. If I close that browser and not use the Eset banking browser everything is back to normal when using regular IE. I upgraded to Eset 10 and it started immediately after upgrading. Can you please research this bug? I would be willing to demonstrate what is does. Please let me know. Once again I have not installed anything on my computer but only upgraded to Eset 10.

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To start off, please collect logs using ESET Log Collector when the issue occurs and drop me a pm with the output archive attached. Also include an export of the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4d36e96b-e325-11ce-bfc1-08002be10318} registry key.

Do you have US keyboard set as current in Windows? Do you use a keyboard with the numeric part on the right? If you press 12345qwerty, what is actually displayed?

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