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Uninstalled - now no wi-fi

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I've just uninstalled this pile of garbage and now I have no wi-fi. I sort of expect this type of thing with Comodo Internet Security but for a paid product not to uninstall cleanly without issues is inexcusable.


I'm reluctant to use the separate Eset Uninstaller tool as it says its use could seriously harm my computer. Any advice on how to get my wi-fi back very much appreciated.


W7 x86

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The uninstaller tool definitely would not help you at this point... A system restore or image backup would work. If there is no going back, going forward you will need to reinstall your network adapter. Find a copy of the driver. You will probably have to get it from another machine and use a flash drive or something to get it to the computer with the non working WiFi. Then reinstall the device and hope for the best.

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Thanks very much for the reply. I don't want this Eset junk on my computer again so I'm very reluctant to system restore, and even if I do I still have the problem of having to uninstall again and more likely than not still have the same issue. I can connect to the internet via ethernet cable so reinstalling the network adapter is probably my best choice. As you say hopefully it will work. 


To you guys at Eset I say again, this is inexcusable for a paid product to mess things up for me the way it has. i will be avoiding your products like the plague from now on. 


PS  - just reporting back to say reinstalling network drivers went fine. Hopefully this will be the last I have to do with anything Eset.

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