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Is it Possible to set a Static Group using an MST? If so, how?

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Greetings everyone,


We are an MSP and are about the be in the process of onboarding a new client with a large amount of workstations. We will be deploying agents through Group Policy with the MST to simplify the deployment process.


Since we don't want to have to sift through a Lost & Found list to manage these agents, I was wondering if there was a way to set the static group using an MST when deploying the agent through a GPO. I was not able to find the documentation for this on ESET's website.


Thanks in advance

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  • ESET Staff

Hello, this is not possible. What I would recommend, is to use a different certificate for this client, and then create a specific dynamic group, where all of this computers will be listed once they connect to ERA. Then, you can move the computer to the corresponding static group manually. However, we are going to change this behavior, and in ERA 6.3.50 (next release, to be released this summer) it will be possible to specify a target group, when creating ERA Agent installer.

Edited by MichalJ
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In fact it is possible to modifie the msi installer tu specifie everything (server adress, name, password, static group) and it is working with a manuel installation, you juste have to click next, next next...

but in silent mode, groups are not considered...

if someone as an idea to modifie this behaviour ?

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  • ESET Staff

Yes, as mentioned in my previous post, this will be changed in the next release of ESET Remote Administrator. It will be possible to generate a pre-configured installer, with a target group.

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