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Eset SSL Issues with Opera browser

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After installing ESS 9.0.375.0 in Win 10 64-bit I started having problems with SSL certificates in one of web browsers I use - Opera 12.17. No other programs are affected, but there are multiple various Eset SSL Certificate error popups on almost every webpage open in Opera, and on many html emails accessed with Opera email client. Pls explain how to stop it, or update ESS ASAP, since many users complain about SSL issues here with various programs. Opera 12 browser conveniently provides web browser and email client under one app, and there is no substitution for Opera fans.


I don't want to exclude Opera from Eset protection, and there is absolutely no way to exclude individual certificates since they are numerous, and will keep popping up on every new webpage of various sites I didn't open before in Opera. What exactly wrong with Eset SSL support? Why Eset support staff never talks about fixing this issue specifically on Eset end, but instead suggests to exclude more and more certificates and entire applications from Eset protection? Why customers need to keep an antivirus, if its protection is random, and many apps must be excluded from its protection anyway to work normally?


Edited by zamar27
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It seems that the ESET root certificate was not imported to the Opera CA certificate store. Try the following:

- restart the computer (do not launch any application)

- disable SSL/TLS scanning and click OK

- enable SSL/TLS scanning and click OK

- launch Opera and check if the issue has been solved.

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Hi Marcos,


I did that twice, but nothing changed both times. Besides, Opera eventually crashes when there are too many such Security Issue popups, or they stay for too long without being closed. It never happen with Eset 8.


How I can manually copy that certificate - from what source folder to what destination? I tried Export - Import, but Eset says: "The associated private key cannot be found". And Opera can't import the exported cert, since it doesn't have the private key for it. Besides, Opera 12 doesn't offer to import any cert format exported by Eset 9.

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Pls ask to add to ESS 9 proper certificate formats Opera 12 can import. Opera 12 browser is still supported by te company and very popular with users, recently it was updated from Opera 12.17 to 12.18 version with security SSL updates. Please also contact also Opera software, asking them to add new Eset certificate formats to supported by Opera types.


Here are SSL certificate formats, Opera 12.18 supports:


Edited by zamar27
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