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SS9 - Outlook 2010 add-in causes ram and cpu drain

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About a week ago, after I deleted the Download Windows 10 files I noticed a small but persistent ram usage of about 3% and CPU usage on on or more core of between 3% and 31%.  It only happened when I had Microsoft Outlook 2010 open.  My system is running Windows 7, and Smart Security 9.  I have searched the web and found others who have had the same problem that involves persistent telemetry logging to very small files with .etl extension located in AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\ folder.  I have verified that my Outlook options were not set to enable global logging, changed a registry setting for Client telemetry, and finally tried to open Outlook in safe mode.  When open in safe mode ("Outlook /safe") the add-ins were disabled and the memory and ram drain stopped.


Next, I opened Outlook in regular mode and disabled all of the add-ins and no memory and ram drain.  When I enabled each add-in separately and in groups the ram and memory drain only recurred when I enabled the ESET add-in.  This problem is not limited to Outlook but occurs when any Office suite programs are opened.


Is there a work-around or a patch to address this problem?  If requested, I will attach the output from my run of the SysInspector program.  I have read on one of the Microsoft forums that the problem was not present in Outlook 2016.


Thanks for any feedback.

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  • ESET Moderators

Hello, in case you can reproduce the issue repeatedly, please submit it to our customer care team at support.eset.com who will investigate it further by requesting and analyzing logs from your computer.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I did that on 10/27/15 and customer care contacted me the same day.  I sent the logs that they requested and responded to their question regarding if- and under what condition the the issue recurred.  I responded and have not heard anything for the past 11 days.  My case number is 1367452.  I have sent them two "hello, anyone there?" emails during that time.  I have been an  ESET customer for more than 20 years and expected better customer care. 

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