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CreplicationModule Error

Go to solution Solved by Renato Alves Nogueira,

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I restarted the remote agent service and checked the agent log when i see this mesage error:

2015-04-01 13:59:38 Error: NetworkModule [Thread 13ec]: Unable to resolve any endpoints.resolve: (0x2af9), Este host não é conhecido (Unknown host)


2015-04-01 13:59:38 Error: CReplicationModule [Thread b78]: CReplicationManager: Replication (network) connection to 'host: "my fqdn Era Server" port: 2222' failed with: Unable to resolve any endpoints.resolve: (0x2af9), Unknown host.
The ping and nlsookup tests are ok. What mean this?
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I have some identical problem. I can't activate Endpoint Antivirus.

Log files tell me the same things ...


Could you be more specific when you say "i resolve this problem setting the IP address instead of fqdn" please ?


Where did you make this modification ? On the client ? On the server ?

Thank you for your precious answer.


Best regards,


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