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How to Update ESET Remote Agent - Step by Step Guide

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sorry guys..
spending too much time trying to post this.
PM for an emailed copy..
here it is without the Screenshots (much easier to figure out with the pics)


Create a new dynamics group template, where Application=ESET Remote Administrator Agent, Version=, and OS.Platform = 64-bit


Step 1 – Click Admin .

Step 2 - Click Dynamic Group Templates. .

Step 3 - Click New Template .

Step 4 - Give Template a name. eg ERAS Agent Updater 64 bit.

Step 5 - Click on “+” next to EXPRESSION. .

Step 6 - Set operation to All conditions have to be true. .

Step 7 – Click on the “+” next to ADD RULE and in the pop up window choose Installed Software>Application Name then Click OK.

Step 8 – Type ESET Remote Administrator Agent.

Step 9 - Click on the “+” next to ADD RULE and in the pop up window choose Installed Software>Application Version then Click OK.

Step 10 - Type (or whatever the installed version is at that time).

Step 11 - Click on the “+” next to ADD RULE and in the pop up window choose OS Edition>OS Platform then Click OK.

Step 12 - Type 64-bit (or 32-bit depending on which one you are targeting)

Step 13 – Click Finish. 

Step 14 - Click on Admin.

Step 15 – Click on Groups.

Step 16 – Click on the Drop down arrow and Select New Dynamic Group.

Step 17 – Name the group.

Step 18 - Click on “+” next to TEMPLATE. Click Choose Existing… .

Step 19 – Find your newly creating Dynamic template and choose it. Click Finish.

Step 20 – Click on Groups and scroll down to bottom and find newly created Dynamic Group.

Step 21 – Click on gear cog icon and choose New Task.

Step 22 – Name the task.

Step 23 – From the Drop down arrows choose “Operating System” and “Run Command”

Step 24 - Click on “+” next to SETTINGS.

Step 25 – Type in command msiexec /qr /I hxxp://repository.eset.com/v1/com/eset/apps/business/era/agent/v6/6.1.365.0/Agent_x64.msi”ALLUSERS=1REBOOT=ReallySupress P_CONNECTION_CHOSEN= Host P_HOSTNAME=Our.FQDN P_PORT=OurPort

Eg. hxxp://repository.eset.com/v1/com/eset/apps/business/era/agent/v6/6.1.365.0/Agent_x64.msi”ALLUSERS=1REBOOT=ReallySupress P_CONNECTION_CHOSEN= Host P_HOSTNAME=skypeinternational.com P_PORT=2222

Step 26 – Click Finish.




Edited by dlaporte
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thank you for your detailed step by step instructions.


we are preparing a new KB article covering the upgrade scenarios and taking the feedback we got into account.

I will let you know once it's ready.


Thank you.



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Or.. you could wait for the full implementation of the "Remote Administrator Components Upgrade" task :)

Surely this method is only a one time workaround if you are moving from the NA to GA builds.

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Whenever I try the Remote Administrator Components Upgrade task, and go to select a server, there is no server listed to select

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promised KB articles:


How do I upgrade ESET Remote Administrator 6.1.21 to version 6.1.28? (Windows)


How do I upgrade ESET Remote Administrator 6.1.21 to version 6.1.28? (Linux)


Please let us know if there is a scenario not described or something what does not work as described or expected.


Thank you.



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These instructions are for updating the ESET Remote Administrator  Webconsole.


Don't forget there are numerous Applications...

They all begin with ESET Remote Administrator  (e.g. ESET Remote Administrator Server, ESET Remote Administrator Agent...)

Edited by dlaporte
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sorry guys..
spending too much time trying to post this.
PM for an emailed copy..
here it is without the Screenshots (much easier to figure out with the pics)


Create a new dynamics group template, where Application=ESET Remote Administrator Agent, Version=, and OS.Platform = 64-bit


Step 1 – Click Admin .

Step 2 - Click Dynamic Group Templates. .

Step 3 - Click New Template .

Step 4 - Give Template a name. eg ERAS Agent Updater 64 bit.

Step 5 - Click on “+” next to EXPRESSION. .

Step 6 - Set operation to All conditions have to be true. .

Step 7 – Click on the “+” next to ADD RULE and in the pop up window choose Installed Software>Application Name then Click OK.

Step 8 – Type ESET Remote Administrator Agent.

Step 9 - Click on the “+” next to ADD RULE and in the pop up window choose Installed Software>Application Version then Click OK.

Step 10 - Type (or whatever the installed version is at that time).

Step 11 - Click on the “+” next to ADD RULE and in the pop up window choose OS Edition>OS Platform then Click OK.

Step 12 - Type 64-bit (or 32-bit depending on which one you are targeting)

Step 13 – Click Finish. 

Step 14 - Click on Admin.

Step 15 – Click on Groups.

Step 16 – Click on the Drop down arrow and Select New Dynamic Group.

Step 17 – Name the group.

Step 18 - Click on “+” next to TEMPLATE. Click Choose Existing… .

Step 19 – Find your newly creating Dynamic template and choose it. Click Finish.

Step 20 – Click on Groups and scroll down to bottom and find newly created Dynamic Group.

Step 21 – Click on gear cog icon and choose New Task.

Step 22 – Name the task.

Step 23 – From the Drop down arrows choose “Operating System” and “Run Command”

Step 24 - Click on “+” next to SETTINGS.

Step 25 – Type in command msiexec /qr /I hxxp://repository.eset.com/v1/com/eset/apps/business/era/agent/v6/6.1.365.0/Agent_x64.msi”ALLUSERS=1REBOOT=ReallySupress P_CONNECTION_CHOSEN= Host P_HOSTNAME=Our.FQDN P_PORT=OurPort

Eg. hxxp://repository.eset.com/v1/com/eset/apps/business/era/agent/v6/6.1.365.0/Agent_x64.msi”ALLUSERS=1REBOOT=ReallySupress P_CONNECTION_CHOSEN= Host P_HOSTNAME=skypeinternational.com P_PORT=2222

Step 26 – Click Finish.





Like everything else with this product, this only works about half of the time. i have desktops that are in this dynamic group and the command is never executed on them so i have to upgrade them manually.

Edited by tduffy
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