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Cannot access to the ESET Protect Cloud Console due to a 401 error.

Felipe osorio

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We have an issue accesing the ESET Protect Cloud Console because of an error which said the following message:

"Response not succesful receieved status code 401" or "Login failure: Unauthorized" (I will attach some images.)

Client said that he already add an exception to his own Firewall to allow no restriction access to try and acces the console but there is no change: the console access do not work.

My client also tried to access the console with his phone via data mobile and the happens the same error. 

Also, my client works for 2 companies which have ESET Protect Cloud, therefore he has 2 consoles. None of them allow acess.


Error logs:

webconsole/:1 Uncaught (in promise) Error: A listener indicated an asynchronous response by returning true, but the message channel closed before a response was received

*version: EPC11.3.67.0*
*locale: es_CL*
*user.agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:127.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/127.0 (gecko1_8)*
*document: https://us02.protect.eset.com/era/webconsole/0980A17485C5C393A1B7CEA7762F0CB3.cache.html*
*url: https://us02.protect.eset.com/era/webconsole/*
An uncaught exception has occurred! (" Falló inicio de sesión: La sesión no es válida. ")
Call stack not available 


*version: EPC11.3.67.0*
*locale: es_CL*
*user.agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 (safari)*
*document: https://us02.protect.eset.com/era/webconsole/0980A17485C5C393A1B7CEA7762F0CB3.cache.html*
*url: https://us02.protect.eset.com/era/webconsole/#id=DASHBOARDS;u=00000000-0000-0000-7017-000000000001*
An uncaught exception has occurred! (com.google.gwt.core.client.JavaScriptException: (TypeError) : Cannot read properties of null (reading 'indexOf'))
@Unknown.G5e(Unknown Source:1057)@
@Unknown.U6e(Unknown Source:1014)@
@Unknown.eif(Unknown Source:242)@
@Unknown._Ni(Unknown Source:264)@
@Unknown.KQo(Unknown Source:49)@
@Unknown.PQo(Unknown Source:49)@
@Unknown.Ad(Unknown Source:176)@
@Unknown.Vd(Unknown Source:173)@
@Unknown.MQo(Unknown Source:49)@
@Unknown.ghk(Unknown Source:135)@
@Unknown.ihk(Unknown Source:85)@
@Unknown.Xzj(Unknown Source:63)@
@Unknown.CId(Unknown Source:237)@
@Unknown.YE(Unknown Source:227)@
@Unknown.jF(Unknown Source:412)@
@Unknown.anonymous(Unknown Source:329)@
@Unknown._n(Unknown Source:299)@
@Unknown.co(Unknown Source:351)@
@Unknown.anonymous(Unknown Source:78)@

Javascript cause: <br/>@TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading &#39;indexOf&#39;)@ 

I also will atach a log file dowloaded with the inspect tool from google.

The last thing I need to add is the client lend me his ESET Business Account Credentials to try the access from my computer and it worked! 


So, what it is imposible for my client to access his console while I can do it with my computer?


WhatsApp Image 2024-07-02 at 07.58.26.jpg

WhatsApp Image 2024-07-02 at 09.32.28.jpg


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