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Missing password for Agent Certificate .pfx file

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Hi I am using this guide to migrate my PCs from a Windows based ESET Protect 10 Server to a VA basen ESET Protect 11 server (Hyper-V). During the process the Eset guide asks me to a add a .pfx file I exported from the new installation to the old installation when creating a migration policy (sect. V 10-13). I cannot do this since I am being asked for a password that I don't have for the certificate file:


How can I proceed with the migration?



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If you don't know the password, you'll need to redeploy the management agent on clients using the current server settings and certificates.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi, by default is empty but I see without pass is not possible to install agent on any Windows Server edition.

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I have done this by importing the exported certificate from the new server to my computer. You need to make sure that when importing the certificate, you select the option to allow export of this key.

After importing the certificate, I exported it with the private key option where I added the password.

Then imported this certificate and entered the password I had selected when exporting it from my computer.

I don't know if this is the right solution but it works.

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