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So i am using mostly my mobile 4g for a while as i prepare to move to a different location.

I had reasonable speeds so i didn't really worry about it. But as soon as i installed the latest EIS version my browsing experience on both mobile and laptop became incredibly slow. I also notice quite an increase in heat on the laptop.

If i disable EIS, everything goes back to normal.

Any clue on how to fix this?



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Does temporarily disabling HTTP/3 scanning make a difference? This should be the only difference compared to v17.0:


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Thanks Marcos.

Useful insights as usual. I retried this morning with both HTTP3 on and off and i see no signs of changes. On the positive side, the connection speed seems to be better. If it can help, we had a major quake here a few days ago and connectivity was never disrupted but speed did suffer at some points. I am mulling whether that is the issue rather than the update. I'll keep an eye on it and be back on this same thread if there is any news.

Many thanks.

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