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New SSL for "webconsole" and MDM

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Good morning everyone.

I have a question about SSL (external 3rd party like godady etc) certificates and eset MDM product management consoles.
A certain company parted ways with an IT specialist who left one topic to be completed, as he wrote ->replacing SSL certificates for websites<-
I understand "webconsole" uses this certificate in many more aspects then only WWW, for example for MDM phones connection. I don't know this product exactly, I've been using it for two days and from two days I'm reading documentation. But I know that this company has 80 phones that are managed from the Protect console and some 450 computers. 

So, as I understand it, the certificate needs to be replaced for the server and for the MDM connector on port 9980. And as I read on the forum, it needs to be sent to the phones before replacing it on the server.
So I started reading the documentation and I have some concerns that either the eset documentation has gaps or I don't understand the content.
There is information to create a new certification center along with the certificate, but what I see on the console existing is valid until 2033. Should do it new or not?

In what version should the certificate be sent to Teflon, should it be certificate + key, pem/der format, etc.?

Is there anyone here who has been through this process and can share some good practices?

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Ok after long time probably I know what need to be done.
Yesterday I create the policy to replace HTTP certificate (prepared pfx with openssl full chain etc.)  on server where is mobile device connector. Now after some 13h I see all time in "Alerts"  for this server infromation the certificate is all time replacing.

Now small question how long this process is?

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