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Hi I have installed Eset and I've niticed that I've a crontab jon in /etc/cron.monthly/eset_efs_report_statistics. This script make CFG_PATH and use --send-cfg-stats, but wha's this job?. Could I delete it?. Thanks.

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It's related to anonymous statistics submissions: https://help.eset.com/essl/10.1/en-US/idh_config_charon.html#s-help-improve-the-product-by-submitting-anonymous-usage-statistics.

If submission of statistics is disabled, the tasks does nothing and could be theoretically removed. We don't recommend doing it, otherwise you'd need to add it manually or reinstall the product if you decide to enable statistics submission in the future.

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where is the evidence that /etc/cron.monthly/eset_efs_report_statistics refers to anonymous statistics submissions?. I don't read nothing about eset_efs_report_statistics.

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By anonymous statistics I meant https://help.eset.com/eeau/10/en-US/idh_config_charon.html:

Allow ESET to collect information about newly detected threats such as the threat name, date and time of detection, detection method and associated metadata, scanned files (hash, filename, origin of the file, telemetry), blocked and suspicious URL's, product version and configuration, including information about your system.

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