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ESET blocking wireless connection

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Tengo un pc que está unida a un dominio conectada a una red inalámbrica privada e interna de una empresa y sucede que le saltó una alerta del antivirus donde informa que la red es insegura, eh leído un poco y parece ser que lo informa porque la red no contiene clave o encriptación, pero realmente estamos bien con ello como dije unimos las personas al dominio de la empresa y tienen red.

Últimamente comenzó este error y en un pc conectada a la red saltó la alerta y le deshabilitó instantáneamente la red. no sé cómo, pero desactive el sistema de protección de archivos en tiempo real y la red funciona, pero no puedo mantenerlo así, hay alguna solución?


Machine translation:

I have a PC that is joined to a domain connected to a private and internal wireless network of a company and it happens that an antivirus alert went off where it reports that the network is insecure, I read a little and it seems that it reports it because the network It does not contain a key or encryption, but we are really fine with it, as I said, we join people to the company domain and they have a network.

Lately this error started and on a PC connected to the network the alert went off and the network was instantly disabled. I don't know how, but I disable the real-time file protection system and the network works, but I can't keep it like that, is there any solution?

Edited by Marcos
Machine translation added
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  • Marcos changed the title to ESET blocking wireless connection
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First of all, please adhere to this forum rules which read:

2, Post in English. If you don't speak English, use a machine translator.

As to your question, reporting of weak wi-fi encryption can be disabled in your network connection profile setup:


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