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Clients Not Reporting After ESET PROTECT 10.1 Upgrade

Go to solution Solved by Marcos,

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Hello.  I upgraded to ESET PROTECT 10.1 this morning, and all went well.  When I logged back into ESET PROTECT, I had a notice that Apache Tomcat was outdated, so I upgraded it to 9.0.76.  I then started to upgrade all of my clients to the latest ESET Management Agent (10.1.1288.0) and the majority of my clients upgraded without any issue.  However, I have around 20 clients that have lost connection to the server and have not reported in over an hour.  I checked the status.html on one of the PCs and I've attached the error in this post.  All of my clients were reporting prior to the upgrade, so I'm not sure why some clients are reporting just fine after the upgrade and others are not.  I've rebooted a few of the clients that aren't reporting, but this doesn't help.  Any suggestions?  Thanks!


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I'd suggest creating a new live managing agent installer and re-deploying it on the affected clients.

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Do you mean logging into ESET PROTECT and then going to Installers and creating a new agent only installer?  Should I have to uninstall the old agent from the clients first?



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7 minutes ago, T3chGuy007 said:

Do you mean logging into ESET PROTECT and then going to Installers and creating a new agent only installer?



Should I have to uninstall the old agent from the clients first?

No, existing agent settings as well as certificates will be replaced during re-deployment.

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Redeploying a new agent without having to uninstall the old agent fixed the issue.  All of my clients are reporting again.  Thanks for the quick help!

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