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Change desktop background via client task

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I'm trying to change the desktop background on clients through a client task - executing a command (I don't have AD). I have already tried both CMD and adding to the registry, and through POWERSHELL and nothing comes out, despite the fact that if you do all this locally on a PC, then everything works, but it doesn’t work through the client task :( Maybe someone did something like that .. Help Please

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1 hour ago, Marcos said:

A Run command task is executed in the system account which is probably the reason why it doesn't work.

The task does not require administrator rights, but I already tried elevating privileges like (powershell.exe "C:\temp\wall.ps1 " -Verb runAs) and so (powershell Get-Content c:\temp\wall.ps1 | PowerShell.exe - noprofile -executionpolicy bypass) , files and script are loaded but not executed.

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2 minutes ago, Marcos said:

You can test it locally using psexec (psexec /s powershell ...).

yes, I immediately checked it, locally everything works as intended, but it does not work through the task to the end.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Marcon explained in his first answer, but you didn't understand it. Whatever you run using "Run command task" it is executed using "SYSTEM" account, so if you specify there in reg command to edit HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\Wallpaper, then it is acually changing "HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-18\Control Panel\Desktop\Wallpaper". A proper way to change it is using Group Policy in Active Directory (your windows computers need to have Pro edition and connected to that active directory)

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