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Virtual Appliance - problem with login after upgrade from 9.0 to 10.0

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I have a problem with Virtual Appliance after upgrade it from version 9.0 to 10.0 I have a "loginConnectionStateNotConnected" on the Web Console.

Upgrade was done from the Web Console settings. The environment is based on the CentOS Virtual Appliance.

I have find this KB from ESET: https://support.eset.com/en/kb6760-cannot-connect-to-the-web-console-after-linux-mysql-update-eset-remote-administrator-6x but no one step resolve the problem.

Also I find on this Forum this topic: 

 and try out this solution:


[MySQL ODBC 5.3 Unicode Driver]

But still without any resoult. What is funny is that I proceed this operation yesterday and today have a problem with login into a Web Console, and one of ours Customer call me today with the same problem (also upgrade from web console from version 9.0 to 10.0). On his side we found in a LOG this entery:


>>> InnoDB: The error means the system cannot find the path specified.

>>> InnoDB: If you are installing InnoDB, remember that you must create

>>> InnoDB: directories yourself, InnoDB does not create them.

>>> InnoDB: Error: could not open single-table tablespace file

>>> ./era_db/tbl_access_tokens_register.ibd

>>> InnoDB: We do not continue the crash recovery, because the table may

>>> become

>>> InnoDB: corrupt if we cannot apply the log records in the InnoDB log

>>> to it


It's show something wrong happened in file InnoDB: Error: could not open single-table tablespace file ./era_db/tbl_access_tokens_register.ibd

I tried to restart the Virtual Appliance server few times, also try to downgrade the ODBC drivers from newest version to version 5.3 and do the steps according to change in NANO files entries. Without any resoult. Next what I thinking for is to upgrade ODBC drivers to newest version again (but I read somewhere that max supported version for EP is 8.0) and try to change again entries from 5.3 to newest version... I have no clue what to do next so I can login into the Web Console of Eset Protect and help also our Customer...


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I have been opened it already yesterday...

Does this forum helps anyone without sending an information for contact support ?

I try to figure it out and some of the ESET KB's or posts in this forum have a live-response answers for troubles and some of topics have a only information to contact support. Thats the reason of have a forum for ?

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  • Administrators

Since there can be more reasons for login issues and further investigation of logs is needed, we recommended opening a support ticket in that case.

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This situation have been done at Customer environment. He update version 9.0 do 10.0

Its happened into ours two lab-environment: first update from 8.1 do 10.0 and second update from 9.0 to 10.0

On these three cases there is problem with connect to Console (login). I cannot pull the database from these servers to the new environments...

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  • Administrators

If you have already opened a support ticket, please provide the ticket ID. The best would be if you could provide the VA from the state before upgrade so that we could upgrade it on our end and possibly investigate the issue if we are able to reproduce it.

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I cannot provide You the VA before upgrade... It was so simple and easy to click UPGRADE from webconsole, I havent think that could do so much destruction on the server...

I can send to You all nesesary logs and files but from actually state.

If I have a backup there will be no case in this topic.

On the Customer side it is the same situation - he have backup from after upgrade, when Webconsole have login option avalible from few days... then it crush... and dont have a backup before stable status.

What interesting is that webconsole allow to login yesterday after few times trying it out. Today it is again error to login. I try put new VM and pull the database, connect without error to old server but while downloading database file there are a problems. After reconfigurated IP address there is problem with ODBC drivers. According to ESET KB i downgrade driver to 5.3.10 from 8.X version but this doesnt resolve a problem.

And what is interesting too... I put a laboratory envoirement wit version 8.1 (last able to download from ESET webpage) and upgrade it useing task from webconsole to version 10. It crush too... and I pull database with errors, change the IP address and new machine turn in to login page with structure of the original one computer added... but it scrash next day too...

Its interesting from the point to this envoirement doesnt working online from upgrade without few situation where access to webconsole is comming back for sometime and disapered again...

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