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I dont understand whats wrong with my computer , anyone help me plz to fix this. 


Thank you.



Edited by munna_sso
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I was unable to find any license but a free one for ESET Parental Control for Android registered with your forum registration email. Make sure that you have actually purchased a license. If so, please provide your public license ID in the form of XXX-XXX-XXX

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That is showing to mine also.

I read the posts from along time ago here on forums that uninstalling the program may work, just going to do that.

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1 minute ago, xkpx said:

I read the posts from along time ago here on forums that uninstalling the program may work, just going to do that.

A reboot shouldn't help in this case. Please provide your public license ID. I was able to find only an already expired license for EMS for Android registered with your forum email address. A valid license for the security product is necessary for LiveGrid and updates to work.

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7 minutes ago, xkpx said:

My License ID must be this one 3AF-98E-XGD

Your license is ok and authenticated against LiveGrid alright. Are you continually getting the notification about LG not being accessible or only seldom? Does the message read the credentials are not correct?
If you can reproduce it easily, enable advanced logging under Help and support -> Details for tech support, reproduce the issue, disable logging, collect logs with ESET Log Collector and upload the generated archive here.

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