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I install eset and test it when I do a scan I noticed that my pc went from using 15% ram to 34-40% ram, I stopped the scan and still the consumption is not low, in the resource manager I only see eset services that consume 200MB and it is ok but there is something or some service not showing in resource manager and consuming much more, is this normal?

My computer has the following characteristics

  1. Processor: Ryzen 5 3400g
  2. RAM: 16GB single channel
  3. Graphics: AMD Rx 580
  4. Operating system: Windows 10 pro 20H2


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What is the memory usage immediately after starting up Windows? Does uninstalling ESET and installing the latest version from scratch with default settings make a difference?

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When starting windows the use of ram is 13% to 16%, with eset internet security also 13%, the installation of eset that I did was zero with the normal configuration, although I do not know if there is another way to configure.
But the consumption that I see occurs when performing a full scan and if you stop the scan, the consumption is maintained and I did not see any process associated with it

init windows.png

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Memory consumption rises a bit during scans because smaller archives are unpacked in memory to speed up the scan. However, some time after the scan has completed memory consumption should return approximately to the previous level.

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I understand, but a question, once the scan stops, should the ram consumption return to normal or after a while?

Does the antivirus perform full scans on its own or is that option for me?

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A full disk scan can be scheduled or run manually. If possible, try uninstalling ESET and installing the latest version from scratch using default settings (enable LiveGrid during install) and let us know if ekrn still consumes more memory than usual. On my vanilla Windows 10 machine the Task manager shows about 38 MB for ekrn:


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