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ESET Remote Push Install

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Hi there,


Hoping someone can help me out.

I recently started at a new company and they use ESET remote install for antivirus protection.

The problem i have is i have one machine that has the wrong IP address associated so it will not install via the push remote install.

I have removed the machine from the network and watched it disappear from ESET's remote install list.

Added back to the network and i can see it again with the same, incorrect IP address.

Is there a cache of sorts where IP and machine name are held that i can delete?


The server that ESET is hosted can find the correct IP address for this machine in question through NSLOOKUP so i know its not that.


Baffled, please someone help me.




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IF the IP is not assigned to any other machine in ERA, you can create a custom search and specify a range of just the correct IP associated with the workstation, it should then see it and you can push install from that custom search.

All located in the remote tab of ERA.


As far as in IT networking, i would reset the dns cache of your server and the client through the command prompt after making your workstation switch out IP leased to it.

Then re-try in ESET Remote admin console.

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Could you please supply me with the following stuff?

- the IP address of the workstation displayed in ERA

- the output of running "ipconfig /all" on the workstation

- the output of running ping or nslookup followed by the hostname of the workstation.


You can also check if running "ipconfig /flushdns" on the computer running ERA server helps.

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Thanks for the replies.


I have tried ipconfig /flushdns on the server ESET is installed and ran nslookup from that same server to the machine name which returns the correct IP address ( which is what running ipconfig /all shows me too so i know its the correct IP.


IP address in ERA is for the machine, which is incorrect.


I have removed the computer from our domain entirely, removed any records from DHCP and DNS and can see that after adding the machine back to the domain it picks up the correct IP in DHCP and DNS records - i am almost convinced its the ERA that is at fault.


If i were to run the custom IP search and push install from there, would it fix the DNS and IP discrepancy?




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If i were to run the custom IP search and push install from there, would it fix the DNS and IP discrepancy?


Most likely not, but might be a swift way to get the endpoint on the client workstation remotely through push if that is a priority.


You may try restarting the ESET services then disconnect and reconnect to the ERA by closing and restarting the console app as well.

Then re-check if correct IP gets pulled.


(Let us know if you need any help performing the above ^ )

Edited by Arakasi
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Its a test machine so not a priority right now but i do need to get this sorted, if not for any other reason than to understand it better.


Tried the IP search and its not being used by ERA anywhere so no results unfortunately.


Very confused.

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I have provided a few screen shots showing the manual search process to make sure you were performing the correct operations.


I also included a picture of the ESET services that can be seen from Administrative Tools > Services , (Control Panel)

You can try closing the ERA console. Then restarting these services. Then re-launch the ERA console (black circle icon with arrow pointing northeast).

It will ask for your login credentials when you re-launch for reconnecting to the ERA server.


Once opened back up, proceed to the remote tab and see if your ldap search or windows network search can now see your machine with correct IP vs incorrect.


Hope this helps.





Edited by Arakasi
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Yep got the search correctly thanks.


have tried restarting all those ESET services apart from the HTTP Server as its not started in the first place.

The only one that didnt work as restart or stop is greyed out is "ESET Service" - is this normal? Maybe i havent closed the program properly?




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The ESET Service might be for File Security if its installed.

Shouldn't be greyed out , could be hung, maybe a restart of the server after hours could fix that.

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