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So this is what happened,i put a kingston USB previously clean into my PC,and when i opened it there appeared something like *USBNAME*win32/worm. And i was like ok,great,but then i noticed all the files on the flash were hidden + made as system files so when i finally found a solution online (-attrib -s -h -a -r *) then i made it *normal* again. 
this is what it looked like  : hxxp://i39.tinypic.com/fa2a35.png the file with no name was hidden + locked and all the rest of the files were put in there hidden + locked as well,happened on 2 USBs so far

Edited by mikitheking3
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The description, picture, and information you have provided is indicative of malware.

I would run full in-depth scan on the workstation without internet access or network connection , and no other external devices attached.

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