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Eset firewall access resets ip cameras

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Hi !

I am fighting with trying to narrowing this issue for the past year or so, And I would appreciate your help.

I  have a NVR (Network video recorders) that I connect 4 ip cameras to. I noticed that some times when I turn on my phone's wifi, Or preform similar network activity (Connect a new computer), It restarts my Ip cameras. I tried to replace the NVR to a different brand, Connect the cameras directly to the nvr ethernet ports, and similar things, And I'm afraid it has something to do with Eset's smart security firewall.

Today I've noticed that when I go to "connected home monitor" and press on one of the IP cameras, It restarts all of them. I tired adding to the IDS rules the Ip addresses of the cameras, But it didn't change the restart thingy.


P.S: It happens even if I disable the ESET's firewall (But I press the cameras on the connected home monitor"

I would appreciate your suggestions. Thank you

Edited by fish72
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Does disabling Connected Home Monitor in the firewall setup make a difference? If not, try disabling Network attack protection and Botnet protection as well.

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Hi Marcos,

I just disabled the Connected home monitor, And will test the isuue.

Thank you very much for your tips.

Edited by fish72
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Please don't take it as a solution but rather an attempt to narrow it down before we continue troubleshooting the issue further.

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Well...It seems stable since I've removed the CHM. What do you suggest that I can do next to narrow it down ?

Thank you

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Here's the Eset knowledge base article on connected home monitor: https://support.eset.com/kb6268/?locale=en_US&viewlocale=en_US .

One solution might be to only have connected home monitor scan your router and not all your devices. Although the KB article doesn't specifically mention a way to exclude a device from scanning, you might also experiment and see if it can be done in regards to excluding the video cameras from being scanned.

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Thank you Itman,

Since I saw no way to exclude the cameras from being scanned by the CHM, I've disabled it and hope a future solution can be found.

Edited by fish72
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