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Anti-Theft - Problem with password protection

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In anti-theft.eset.com (see screen dump) I keep getting "Windows accounts aren't password protected". This is not true. There are 2 accounts, the one I'm using to login (with password) and the phantom account (no password). All 3 devices are configured the same way, 2 are fine and one has this warning.

My environment:

- Windows 10, 1709 (16299.402)
- Eset Internet Security

I tried already to remove device, remove phantom account from local PC, add to Anti-Theft again, same situation.

What's wrong? 



Edited by PeteD
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My default account is Administrator, and yes, it has a password set. There are just these 2 accounts on the machine.

However, a friend of mine fired my paranoia: is it possible that Anti-Theft is right and I have an invisible backdoor account on my machine, i.e. that I've been hacked?

Edited by PeteD
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Run the following command in a folder where you have write permissions:

Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserAccount -Filter "LocalAccount='True'" > accounts.txt

and then supply me with accounts.txt.

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There are indeed a lot of account, some of which can be explained by tools like VMWare, SQL Server etc.

I've sent the list as private message, I won't post here.

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