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My SD card became not detected after ESET check

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hope you are well,

I works on the photographing of the  wildlife through camera traps. the camera records 138 videos in 3 months. some of videos were "unable to open".

before i copied these videos to my computer, i scanned the memory card. Threatened viruses have been detected, but unfortunately the scanned  made the SD card hidden or destroyed ( not showing at any camera or computer).

i  tried to repair the SD card to get / recover the important videos but to no avail.

I think the ESET caused  the memory to not showing 

please, how can i solve this problem to recover the important videos 

Best Regard


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It is quite unlikely that ESET would destroy your files. It opens files only for read. Only if cleaning is attempted, files are open for write. Normally multimedia files should not be detected since only apk files are scanned.

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Hi Marcos,

thank you for your reply,

the problem is not files destroying, 

the problem is the SD card became not showing / not detected by any computer or camera

i attached here  scanning of the log file of the process which was in 16/02/2018



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