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I have installed NOD32 Endpoint Antivirus 32 bits on a Windows 7 Pro 32 bits (all Windows Updated are installed). When I go on options, I have the follwing problem :



I have try "repair" option but I have the same problem. I have also try uninstall, cleaning temporary file, repair registry, reinstall the product again but the problem persist.

Do you have any idea?

Thank for your help,


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Did you also try running the ESET Uninstall tool in safe mode to remove all leftovers, just in case? It's likely an issue with ekrn or with loading the Configuration engine module. Should the problem persist, collect logs with ELC and drop me a message with the generated archive attached.

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Hello Marcos,

I have try the Eset Uninstall tool in safe mode. I have restart the computer and reinstall the Eset Endpoint but the problem persist.

Here is the ELC logs file.





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There's a problem with ekrn service and modules were probably not loaded:
19. 12. 2017 13:52:55    ESET Kernel    A serious application error occurred. Virus scanner initialization failed. Antivirus protection will not work correctly.

Could you try installing Endpoint 6.5 instead just to see if it makes a difference?

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