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Personal Firewall Rules - Suggestion

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I don't know where to put suggestions of improvement, so I do it here :ph34r:

The list of the personal firewall rules does not seem to be sortable, i.e. allowed/denied.

This is a feature that I personally miss. Maybe You agree and might include it in some next version ?!


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It can't be sortable because the order of rules determines the priority and the first matched rule is applied. Sorting rules would completely affect the firewall behavior.

However, there's a filter which you can use to show only desired rules, e.g. you can filter them by "Zulassen".

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2 hours ago, dfietkau said:

Ah, now I get it. I always thought of it as a simple list.
rtfm, my mistake :D
Thank you

Actually you can view a sorted list but not permanently sort it. 




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