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ERA proxy on Debian 8.7.1

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Hi there!

In a test environment I try to install ERA proxy, the following packages are installed: libmyodbc, unixodbc. On the server MySQL 5.5 is installed.


/etc/odbcinst.ini: (this can be found on server and on the ERA proxy computer as well)


Description = ODBC for MySQL

Driver = libmyodbc.so

Setup = libodbcmyS.so

Driver64 = libmyodbc.so

Setup64 = libodbcmyS.so

First 2 problem: according to the documentation of 6.4 ERA there (hxxp://download.eset.com/manuals/eset_era_6_userguide_enu.pdf) is a parameter: --db-dbname (page 90). It is incorrect, the correct parameter is --db-name. The last parameter in the example is  --server-root-password, script says no such parameter and I didn't find anything regarding this.

Finally I run a command like this:

./proxy-linux-x86_64.sh --db-hostname= --db-name=era_proxy_db --db-admin-username=root --db-admin-password=PWD --db-user-username=root --db-user-password=PWD --db-port=1433 --db-type="MySQL Server" --db-driver=SQL --skip-license --hostname= --port=2222 --cert-path=/home/nd/Downloads/debian-gui-proxy.pfx --cert-auth-path=/home/nd/Downloads/debian-gui-CA.der


the error I got:

Checking database connection ... failure

Error: Unknown database driver or data source name (DSN)

ERA6 is installed on with MySQL, and it works great.

How can I connect ERA proxy to the server DB?



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  • ESET Staff

My recommendation is to use more current online documentation. Regarding this specific error, problem is that you do not have ODBC driver named "SQL" specified in odbcinst.ini -> instead driver named "MySQL" (part named [MySQL]) seems to be available, therefore I would recommend to use  --db-driver=MySQL installation parameter.


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Dear Marint!

Thank you for your answer. That was one of the mistake I made, the other one was the port numer, the correct one: --db-port=3306.

I will you the online doc. The online one still contains the param: --server-root-password, what I was unable to use as script said no such param.



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  • ESET Staff
1 hour ago, András Káldor said:

I will you the online doc. The online one still contains the param: --server-root-password, what I was unable to use as script said no such param.

You are right. Mentioned parameter is not used by PROXY installer and should be excluded from example.

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