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'Unsupported archive' error during on-demand scan

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I got the following error message in the log of an on-demand scan of some items on my desktop


C:\Users\PC\Desktop\Outils Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Office 2010 Centre de téléchargement.exe » THINAPP »  - unsupported archive


what is unsupported about the scan of an .exe file ?



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Just because a file has a suffix of .exe does not mean that it is indeed an executable. Scan the file at VirusTotal and see what is listed there.

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My guess is this .exe is some type of packed/encrypted malware. As such, Eset couldn't identify it and assigned it an undetermined archive category. Note that the only mainstream AV product used by VirusTotal, Symantec, classified the .exe as malware using heuristics. In other words, only after the .exe started execution was it caught.


I have Office 2014 installed and msouc.exe resides in the Office 2014 directory and is signed by Microsoft. Did you check if your file was signed?

Edited by itman
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