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Product Activation Failed

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Hi !

I've installed the new era 6 server to migrate our v5. We have 1000+ client, and these does not have direct access to internet. So i've installed the era "Apache http proxy" on the same server.

I've created a mst transform of the agent and deployed it (it's ok). 

I've created policies for the agent and the product to use the http proxy and deployed it (it's ok).

Now I can push the install on a client (with the licence), but when eea start it say "not activated" . The firewall show that my client try to go to the Internet directly at the address

My question is Why ? it should use the proxy as expected .

If someone can help us. thx

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I've tried to activate Endpoint v6.3 manually and the communication was directed through the proxy server as the log shows:


#Fields: date    time    cs-username    session-id    time-taken    c-ip    c-agent    s-ip    cs-method    cs-uri    cs-uri-query    sc-status    cs-bytes    sc-bytes    cs-protocol    cs(Referer)

2016-02-18    15:08:50    unknown    53    1063    -    CONNECT    "CONNECT edf.eset.com:443"    -    200    961    3515    https    -


One more thing - make sure that the proxy server is properly configured in the global proxy setup and not only in the update setup:



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