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ESET cloud security mark one regular email as SPAM and deliver in SPAM folder

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Hi There, ESET office security marks one of the regular emails (noreply@nab.com.au) as spam and delivers in JUNK folder. I have sent an email twice to nospam_ecos@eset.com  but seems like support do not care. Email still goes in the spam folder and ESET support do not care which is very annoying. I am from Australia and they do not have support number for Australia. We are thinking not to renew license, is there anyway I can contact support from Australia and see if ESET can fix the issue before the renewal date?

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The above email address serves for reporting and no reply is provided. Please provide with the email in the eml or msg format.

Should you need to contact technical support, please visit https://www.eset.com/au/.

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Thanks Marcos, Provided two times email in eml format. Still no luck getting the email address in white list. Support link does not have option for cloud security.  The link you provided has home support and business support but only for server support. Are you able to provide direct support number where i can call from Australia ? 

Edited by Arpan
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