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Mirror Tool ParseLicenseFile: Cannot parse the license file

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I'm trying to download update with MirrorTool.exe (v1.0.1560.0) from Windows 10 but I'm getting the error "Error: ParseLicenseFile: Cannot parse the license file. Error occured."

Command I used MirrorTool.exe --mirrorType regular --intermediateUpdateDirectory c:\eset-mirror-tool\tmp --offlineLicenseFilename c:\eset-mirror-tool\offline.lf --outputDirectory c:\eset-mirror-tool\download

I followed this KB : https://support.eset.com/en/kb7104-offline-updates-for-servers-or-client-workstations-with-eset-products-installed-7x

Thank you for your support

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An offline license file must be created with a username and password included in EBA:


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