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HIPS disabled after update to ESET Mail Security 10.1.10012.0

Go to solution Solved by Marcos,

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Hi there,

so after the update to ESET Mail Security 10.1.10012.0 we got the error that HIPS is disabled, thus, events cannot be received.

HIPS is enabled in policy and when I check on the server itself. Other events get shown in ESET Inspect, so EDR itself is working on the server.

When I look into the EIConnector log I see an error "047f0 Error: WmiExecutionLog ProcessTrace failed. The instance name passed was not recognized as valid by a WMI data provider" at the same time which gets shown in ESET Protect.

Anyone else having this?

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It is a known issue which is currently being investigated. Allegedly downgrading EMSX, reinstalling the EI connector and then upgrading EMSX to the latest version works around the issue.


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