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How to decrypt files from .yyza ransomware virus


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hi , in my system i have problem my system affected .yyza ransomeware virus all files are encrypted i need decryter tool for this virus anyone please help


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  • Marcos changed the title to How to decrypt files from .yyza ransomware virus
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Please contact samples[at]eset.com and supply the following:
1, A couple of encrypted files (ideally smaller Office files)
2, The ransomware note with payment instructions.
3, Logs collected with ESET Log Collector (ESET must be installed, activated and running).

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36 minutes ago, srini said:

i need free decrytor tool or tell how to decryt all files free

As itman has already stated, the chances that the ransomware in question will ever be decryptable are very low.

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Refer to this posting for further assistance: https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/forums/t/788610/how-to-repair-encrypted-files-yyza-extension-stop-djvu/?p=5549768 .

Note that unless someone else has paid the ransom and provided the decryption key to Emsisoft, it will not be possible to decrypt files using their decrypter tool.

Edited by itman
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