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Started up PC and ES icon shows error saying protection is not enabled though it is.


I reboot a few time and its gone but opening MS Mail ESS says Antispam Module is not loading.


Each time if I let the PC sit long enough to load Windows Action Centre it will tell me ESS is out of date.


I rolled back update and issues were fixed and later tried to update again to latest and issues were back.


Is there an issue with todays update?


I am on Win 8.1 Update1 64bit with Preleased option.

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Started up PC and ES icon shows error saying protection is not enabled though it is.


Could you please post a screen shot of this error? Does switching to pre-release updates and running update manually help?

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Sorry cannot show initial ESS icon error as rebooting a few times got rid of it, but can show you the Pop Up for AntiSpam not loading each startup.


I am already on Preleases and always have been.


I have rolled back and postponed updates for 48hrs, do you want me to undo this and show you the AntiSpam and Windows Action Centre messages?


The "ABOUT" windows which is full of all Modules and Build numbers and my License info is totally blank when these errors appear but its fine now rolled back.

Edited by Temp Member
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