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Cannot add License into Security Management Center


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Recently I have renewed my ESET license and updated ERA to SMC.
Upon trying to add my new license into SMC, I get error, saying that this licence is already added, even though the list is still empty (not a caching/delay issue, as this issue persist for 2-3 days already). Trying to add this license into EBA, I get also an error, after using the link in confirmation e-mail.

Ofcourse I have tried contacting my local reseller first. There was actually an issue with activating this license, but it was resolved immediately.

With regard to _this_ issue, they've tried to do something on their end, but nothing changed for me really. In the last email they've sent me a screenshot of ELA, showing a green check, assuring me, that it's all fine, as if I was having troubles with ELA. It is _not_ okay for me, if I cannot use my new license in SMC, no matter how green the check in their screenshot is. I'm starting to loose my patience.

Could my issue be dealt with by ESET developers instead?

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Did you use ELA before and now have upgraded to EBA? ELA is a former license management platform and will be eventually phased out so upgrading to EBA is a logical and recommended step.

You mentioned that you were trying to add your license to EBA. Does it mean that you are able to log in to EBA alright? What error message (in English please, if possible) did you get?

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>You mentioned that you were trying to add your license to EBA. Does it mean that you are able to log in to EBA alright?

Correct, I have created EBA account.

>What error message (in English please, if possible) did you get?

"Cannot link license", or something like that.

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  • ESET Staff

Hello @PF4Public I assume, that this license was added previously? If yes, how?

Was it added via ELA account? Was it added via License Key? In some cases, it might happen, that license is incorrectly remove, the license page seems "empty", however the license entry still stays in the database. We will need to see a trace log message from the time of license adding for proper troubleshooting, and I would recommend to contact ESET customer care and create a ticket as it might be needed to analyze it by developers.


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@MichalJ If we're talking about SMC, it had previous (expiring) license with a different key. And every time I tried to add this one (renewed), it failed with the error, saying, that this license is already added. Then I've removed this old license and tried to add this renewed license once again, it failed with a different error. Unfortunately, I didn't remember it and cannot recreate that case, because now, trying to add this renewed license, it fails, saying, that this license is already added, but the list is empty.

1 hour ago, MichalJ said:

I would recommend to contact ESET customer care and create a ticket as it might be needed to analyze it by developers.


19 hours ago, PF4Public said:

Ofcourse I have tried contacting my local reseller first. There was actually an issue with activating this license, but it was resolved immediately.


19 hours ago, PF4Public said:

In the last email they've sent me a screenshot of ELA, showing a green check, assuring me, that it's all fine, as if I was having troubles with ELA.


19 hours ago, PF4Public said:

Could my issue be dealt with by ESET developers instead?


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After adding the license to EBA and entering your ELA password, a verification email is sent to your email address. We see that it was sent 3 times and the verification link was not clicked. Did you get these emails? If not, please check your junk / spam folder. Since the verification link is valid for 24 hours, you will need to:
- re-add your license to EBA
- enter your ELA password
- open the verification email that will be sent to your email address a........v@s.....c.t......y
- click the verification link which will open EBA and the license will be added.


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22 minutes ago, Marcos said:

After adding the license to EBA and entering your ELA password, a verification email is sent to your email address. We see that it was sent 3 times and the verification link was not clicked. Did you get these emails?

Yes, I've got all of them and clicked all of them! And every time, I click the link, I got the error. Screenshot with that error I've already sent to @Marcos.

Here is the screenshot from browser developer tools:


Edited by PF4Public
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  • ESET Staff

@PF4Public I have a suspicion that during the license renewal you / re-seller / partner actually changed the license product for one, that is unmanageable, meaning it can´t be added to either EBA or ESMC at all (business product was changed to consumer one). 

Can you please send me the public license ID, so I can verify this assumption? I know that you send it to Marcos already, but as we work for different departments I do not have access to your private communication. 

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There were some issues in their license database and they fixed it.

Most importantly they not only fixed it, but implemented a permanent fix for this to never happen again.

@Marcos and @MichalJ Thank you for your help and time!

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