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ESET Internet Security - Machine freeze and lag

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I installed the license version of ESET Internet Security few weeks ago in my personal PC "in which it's gaming PC". since then noticed after getting back to my machine after a while it will show big signs of slowness, freeze and lag. It will go away only after restarting the PC and this is not convenient at all specially if i leave it for couple hours and get back to it again. Let me know what kind of information I've to provide in order to get permanent fix. fyi, i've removed ESET and all issues were gone and no need to restart every time i get back to my PC

Edited by Meesh
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Please check in the advanced setup if you have Idle-state scanning enabled. Try disabling it.

Since you didn't mention what operating system you use, if you have Windows 8.1 or Windows 10, make sure that Windows Defender is not running and that periodic scans are disabled. Please collect logs with ESET Log Collector and post the generated archive here (only ESET staff will have access to it).

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Yes i have Windows 10 and defender is disabled ( i believe by default as mentioned in ESET site https://support.eset.com/kb2390/ )


"Windows 10: By default, Windows Defender Antivirus is disabled (turned off) with a compatible version of ESET installed on the system. No further action is required by ESET users."

Logs attached. FYI, I've noticed also while it's freezing ( sometime not that much) but i noticed when i play any audio content ex. YouTube, sound will crashes and freeze and sometime i have to change sound source output from-to original source in order to fix it, though this only happens after ESET and test it once ESET deleted and there was no issues.


Edited by Meesh
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Hello everyone.


I too have troubles with freezes but not lags. It all started since Windows 10 march updates and my computer only freezes after an uptime of at least about a day (2 to 5 days most of the times).


So I tried around with driver updates and even made a clean new installation of Windows 10 version 1903 Pro (64 Bit) a few weeks ago but again I dealt with freezes after an uptime of like 5 days maximum. I used Windows 10 Pro version 1809 (64 Bit) before I made that new installation of my system.

Now that I have uninstalled ESET Internet Security my computer runs for over 12 days now without a single freeze.


I assume there must be a problem that most people do not run into because they let their computer run just for a day. I run into those freezes because I usually just put my computer in standby mode so I get an uptime of many days.


It's sad because I paid for the licence but I can't use ESET Internet Security because it freezes my computer. 😞


PS: When my computer freezes I can't even use the reset button because nothing happens when I push it. I always have to push the power button for 5 seconds to shut down the computer

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Pushing the reset button must always work since it's a hardware reset, not a software one. It's like if turning the power off and on would not make any change which can't be obviously true.

Please enable triggering of manual crash as per https://support.eset.com/kb380/, configure Windows to generate active memory dumps, restart Windows and reproduce the freeze. After a few seconds trigger a crash manually so that a memory dump is generated. After a reboot, compress the dump, upload it to a safe location. Also collect logs with ESET Log Collector and upload it as well. Finally drop me a private message with links to both files.

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14 hours ago, Marcos said:

Pushing the reset button must always work since it's a hardware reset, not a software one. It's like if turning the power off and on would not make any change which can't be obviously true.

That's what I thought before all that happened but my computer proved me wrong. Right after my computer booted up again after a freeze I pushed the reset button to confirm that it's still working and it indeed works just fine. It works all the time. Only when my computer is frozen it does not work. It's strange, right?


Actually I don't wanna reinstall ESET IS again because my computer is working fine now without it. I just wish I had the security back it offered me and made me feel safe whenever I've been working on my computer all those years.

There was a big outcry with Windows 10 march updates since it made Windows freeze occasionally with some Anti-Virus softwares. If I had to guess it is what makes my computer freeze with ESET IS.


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