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Keyboard and Mouse is hang up issue.


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Our customer using ESET Endpoint Protection Advance in 400 system and Device Control configured with blocked Disk Storage & Portable Device

He facing issue randomly in some system is stuck off when user is working and Keyboard and Mouse is hang up therefore forcefully shut down and restart it.

If disable Device Control completely after issue not occurred.

OS: Windows 10 Pro x64

Product: ESET Endpoint Antivirus 7.0.2091.0

So find attached ESET Log Collector log and do needful as soon.


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Device control was disabled in the provided configuration. If the keyboard and mouse stop responding, does it help if you unplug them from the USB ports and plug in the cable again? Would it be possible to connect a PS2 keyboard as well and when the issue occurs, trigger a crash and generate a complete  memory dump as per https://support.eset.com/kb380/?

I'd suggest continuing as follows:
- with DC enabled, set logging severity to warning for both rules
- reproduce the issue
- after a reboot, gather logs with ELC

Next create a ticket with your local customer care and provide them with:
- the ELC logs
- a complete memory dump generated manually as advised above.

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