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Tja da muss ich mich vo ESET trennen und einen anderen Anbieter nehmen wenn ESET weltbekannt ist aber nicht mal Deutschen Support an bietet.

Gibt ja genug andere Anbieter nehme ich jetzt erst mal Kaspersky.

Edited by Lutschpuppe xXL
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English translation is:


Well, I have to separate from ESET and take another provider if ESET is world-famous but does not even offer German support.

Given enough other vendors, I'll take Kaspersky first.


Edited by itman
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We indeed provide German support via https://www.eset.com/de/support/contact/.

This forum is not meant to be a substitute for contacting customer care but it's rather a place to share knowledge with others and ask other knowledgeable users and ESET moderators and staff for advice.


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