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I have had the below screen shot alert occur the last few times an Eset in-product upgrade occurred. I have the firewall set to Automatic. I thought Application Modification detection only occurred when the firewall was set to Interactive mode. Also this is the only app update alert I every receive. The Eset GUI default firewall is enabled allowing all equi.exe outbound traffic.

Is this some type of internal security check to detect any unauthorized equi.exe modification? 


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This would happen if you had a permissive firewall rule created for egui.exe and modification of signed applications was not allowed automatically:


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5 minutes ago, Marcos said:

This would happen if you had a permissive firewall rule created for egui.exe

The only firewall rule for equi.exe is the default rule. See the below screen shot. Should that rule be disabled?


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1 hour ago, Marcos said:

Do you have the option shown in my screen shot enabled or disabled?


I thought it wouldn't matter what that setting was since my prior use of Application Modification showed it was only applicable with the firewall in Interactive mode. Again the only alert I have ever received was for equi.exe. What is strange is the alert doesn't manifest until a few hours after an Eset upgrade. And the alert only occurs once after I respond with keep existing firewall rules. For example, Eset upgraded to 12.0.31 at 9:00 AM today and the alert appeared late in the afternoon. Also there has been no change to equi.exe last modification date after the above noted upgrade time.


Edited by itman
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