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Hello dears! I have a question about activating antivirus on windows 8 and 8.1 systems.

Many customers receive an error after installation (ecp 20006 and ecp 20003 ) .

I have tried many ways but only help

a) Return to the original configuration

b) Upgrade to windows 10.

I tried the activation via a vpn and a proxy result .

All other steps were not effective.Today when once again I tried to find information on the Internet found the following article - https://support.microsoft.com/en-gb/help/4072699/windows-security-updates-and-antivirus-software Oh? Will this be relevant for NOD? I will be glad of any help in resolving the issue.

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Error 20003 means "Cannot connect to host", 20006 means an error while sending.

Are you able to open https://edf.eset.com/edf in a browser on those machines? It should display a short xml.

If the machines connect directly to the Internet, does it make a difference? Should the problem persist, enable advanced logging as follows and try to activate the product again. Then disable logging, gather logs with ESET Log Collector and provide the generated archive to customer care for perusal. You can also drop me a message with the logs attached.



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Marcos thank you very much for your contribution!✌️

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

-<ecp:message xmlns:ecp="hxxp://www.eset.com/2012/02/ecp">


<message>Unsupported Content-type: unknown</message>



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I asked for a set of logs gathered by ESET Log Collector, however, you have uploaded only a couple of logs while the others are missing.

By the way, do you have ESET NOD32 Antivirus installed? I assumed that you have ESET Internet Security since you've posted in the EIS/ESSP forum.

If possible, please install EIS. Enable advanced logging and try to activate a trial version. Then collect logs with ELC. In this case, also a log with network communication will be included.

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