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I guess everyone here knows those commercially available stealth PC monitoring

I'm surprised, that those trojans are hardly detected by virus scanners.

All surveillance makers recommend in their FAQs one should add their programm
to the virus scanner's exception list. After some quick tests in various
virtual machines I was surprised, that this is not necessary in most
cases. Even the Avast pre-boot scan didn't find the virus.

11 / 60 virus total's scanners recognized the trojan. It was a free, public
trial version! No modifications! All 11 hits were "generic". One of those
malware programmers offers all surveillance methods you can think of, but
not keylogger. To avoid Antivirus detection.

Short question: what's the easiest way to find those malware?
Malwarebytes, for example, says they had proprietary methods that were
better than the other scanners, but at least in the affected, running
windows, they didn't find more of those viruses.

Thank you in advance.


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Monitoring applications are not usually malware but are created for legal monitoring of staff. ESET usually detects them as potentially unsafe applications which is a group of legitimate applications that can be misused in the wrong hands. The detection is disabled by default. Feel free to report such applications to samples[at]eset.com and we'll check if a detection should be added.

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