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/var/log/esets filled root directory

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Hi there,

I logged into one of the servers I manage today to discover that /var/log/esets was full of a large number of .dat files.  These had effectively filled my root partition and caused the system to stop functioning as expected.

How do I go about cleaning out these logs automatically?  I don't want to have to log in periodically and clear them by hand, and I don't know what the impact of doing so is on the normal operation of the product.

Thanks in advance,


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Please upload one of the smaller dat files to Dropbox, OneDrive, etc. and provide a download link. You can safely delete the other big dat files in that folder.

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  • Administrators

Unfortunately without knowing what was being logged that made the logs that big I cannot advise any further. Try to reproduce it and then provide such dat file for perusal.

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