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Web and Mail protocol Filtering and Anti-Phishing is Non-Functional


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Hi, our 2of 53 clients shows "Web and mail protocol filtering is non-functional" and  "Anti-Phishing is Non-Functional". We are using ERA 6, other 51 clients theres no problem. Can you help us. Thank you.

Edited by colossus
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With ESET Endpoint Security installed, temporarily enable advanced firewall logging in the advanced setup -> tools -> diagnostics and reboot the machine. Then disable logging and collect logs with ELC. Upload the generated archive to a safe location and drop me a message with a download link to the generated archive.

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Unfortunately, the logs were collected when ESET Endpoint Antivirus was installed. It doesn't contain the option to generate advanced firewall logs. Only products with a firewall (home products EIS/ESSP v11 or Endpoint Smart Security) can create advanced firewall logs that would help determine the cause of the issue.

You have two options:
1, Temporarily uninstall EEA and install ESET Internet Security v11.
2, Get an ESET Endpoint Security trial license.

I'd go for option 1 since you can activate a 30-day trial version yourself while issuing a trial license for Endpoint Security would take a little longer.

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