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Administrative Functions

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Good day all

The employee responsible for managing ESET at our establishment has left our company and I have logged onto the ESET administrator console is a complete mess. Furthermore we have a small dedicated server for the ESET administrator console but the server was rebuilt a few months back due to OS corruption and was not backed up thus some of the variables have changed. 

Some of our ESET Agents on our client machines are still pointing to the old server details thus they are not showing up on the Administrative console. We are now in a position that half of our client machines have the ESET remote agents with the incorrect management/console server details, a large number of them are not activated and some machines with no ESET installed at all. A few computers have been decommissioned yet their ESET licenses were never removed or stopped thus we have licensed machines that no longer exist.

As you can tell this has been neglected for a while and I would like to have this rectified.

The reason why I decided to post here is that I have basic knowledge on the ESET Administrator Console, I know this console is incredibly power and I would like to use it to it's full potential.

In the meanwhile, I will be renaming all our machines to a new naming convention as our current one does not makes it difficult to point out which machine is the affect one.

  • Is there way to get all the old agents to point to the new management server? I have recreated the certificates to manually point the remote agents to the newer management server however we have many users and doing this manually will take a large amount of time.
  • Is there a way to remotely deploy ESET on PC that does not have ESET?
  • Is there a way to tell which old decommed computers still have a license?
  • Are there any other useful functions that may assist with the above mentioned?

Kind regards

Edited by Marco2526
incorrect word placements
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Deploying agent to machines that don't report to ERAS or don't have Endpoint installed yet should do the trick. Once agent is installed and starts reporting to ERAS, you can send a software install task to it to install Endpoint.

Alternatively if agent is already installed but doesn't report to ERAS, you can reinstall it and enter the CA and agent certificate during reinstallation. If the latest version of agent is not installed, you'd need to reinstall it twice as the first reinstallation will upgrade it to the latest version while the second one will be actual reinstall with an option to enter certificates.

As for deactivating licenses, you can accomplish it via the ELA portal (ela.eset.com).

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