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*Answered* Block exes from USB


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Is it possible to block the running of executables from USB using ESET?

I know it can be done by Group Policy but would prefer to do it through EST if possible?

Edited by dodders
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That's not possible. Device Control allows for blocking removable media based on parameters, such as vendor, model and serial number. What's the use case? Do you want restrict users to access only data files, images, etc. on removable media?

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OK thanks, we've just been advised by a consultant that we should prevent the running of executables from removable media. We still need to allow access to files on USB. We'll go the GPO route.

Edit: In case someone else comes looking for this: hxxp://serverfault.com/questions/351535/how-can-i-stop-exes-being-ran-from-removeable-media-such-as-usb-drives

Edited by dodders
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