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Everything posted by tmuster2k

  1. Confirmed no third party drivers bound to NIC. Per my post, this issue has happened after re-installs or in-place upgrades to the ESET program was working fine with the environment that was the same after re-install. - ONE customer installed ESET Smart Security TRIAL and everything worked fine. Then he re-installed because our opening windows says "make sure you install other AV's" so a lot of ESET customers get confused by this and uninstall ESET TRIAL. After the re-install and subsequent reboot cannot get online. So if third party drivers were in play here and causing an issue the customer would have had issues with the ESET trial of ESS.
  2. Have had several customers who cannot get online with ESET Smart Security firewall fully enabled. Any web browser they use just sits and no web page will load. Also if they have other third party programs like Yahoo Messenger it will not connect and I lose my remote session. This has happened after a re-install of the program or inplace upgrade from Check for Updates from the Update section. Also issue only happens after reboot. You can re-install the program, ESET updates and the internet is fine but after the reboot you lose internet. I even went into services and disabled all non-microsoft services except ESET and still no go. Ping is good on all these connections and IPV4 shows "Internet". You have to rename epfw.sys in safemode with get back online. I have done full Manual Uninstall on all of these to clear all remnants and then re-install to no avail. I have added the Network Address, router address and even the current DHCP address into the trusted zone and no go. I have done Pre-release Updates and not go. I tested it out by skipping the VSD and Module updates , reboot and then no internet. There is only one common factor in all these is that they are Windows Vista or Windows 7. (most are 7) Different kinds of nics and happens on wired and wireless. With ESET uninstalled and Windows firewall enabled the internet works fine. Firewall log only shows pre-defined rules so there is nothing in here that keys me in on something specific that ESET firewall is blocking. ONLY current resolution is to go down to Version 5.x. Version 6.x does the same thing.
  3. Have a client of mine who cannot re-classify any message into the SPAM folder. The item will just sit in the INBOX and have confirmed that ESET Anti-spam for outlook is checked in advanced setup. Also tried to blacklist and nothing shows up in the BLACKLIST section for ESET. Confirmed that the ESET Add-on is located properly in the Ad-ons section in OUTLOOK 2010. Confirmed that the correct Folder name does show up in advanced setup as well in the section "Anti-spam protection" RDP'd into his other Windows 7 machine and that one works fine and right when you click on "Reclassify as Spam" it goes right into the SPAM folder for Outlook. I even exported and imported this file into his Windows 7 machine that is not working and same issue. Also did full 2289 and manual removal of all eset remnants and - Installed ESET Smart Security again. re-imported config file from working computer and same issue.
  4. If Scans are all coming back with nothing found that means that your system is Malware Free..>> THIS is a good thing.. ESET will not find threats and every single scan unless you are constantly doing to the gutter of the internet and downloading bad stuff.
  5. The problem is I don't know which McAfee product and version I should install. Please provide the download link to make sure I test it with the very same installer.McAfee Internet Security OEM version on Dell Windows 8 computer.
  6. thanks for the info. Hope they add it to the next build
  7. If you setup ESET Anti-theft here on your computer in the USA and then travel overseas will the ESET Ant-theft still work? Meaning will the IP Addreses track or google maps feature work when in a different country?
  8. Hello, Use Msconfig tmuster2k. Hold down the windows key and press R - while on the desktop logged in. Type msconfig, select Boot tab, then Safeboot. I guess we need some more investigation into windows 8. I might try the same scenario tonight. System configuration utility never comes up - Waited almost 13minutes and nothing and then system became unresponsive
  9. Friend of mine installed ESET Smart Security on his new windows 8 machine. He did not realize he had to uninstall McAfee before installing ESET (he is kind of a n00B and didn't want to ask me for some reason). He reports that no where during the install did ESET say it detected McAfee and continued through the install. Of course after real-time kicks in the computer was locked up and could not do anything. As we all know getting into Advanced Boot Options for Windows 8 is a pain in the neck.. and yes we did try Charms. nothing.. comes up.. Run box comes up but does not execute anything. After 6 hardshutdowns was able to get into run box and appwiz.cpl did the trick to uninstall McAfee. I installed McAfee on my windows 8 Virtual Machine then ran the install of ESET and also did not detect. Question: Why Is ESET program not detecting the McAfee software that is running resident? Why is this only happening on windows 8? I tried to reproduce issue on windows 7 and ESET does detect McAfee fine. Also does anyone have tips on getting to Advanced Boot Options in Windows 8? We tried Shift-F8, F8, FN-F8 and nothing.
  10. I am wondering why there is no option to do Monthly Scan in the Scheduler? ESET User guide actually recommends running a on-demand scan monthly. Its not feasible for people to remember monthly to run the scan so thats why the scheduler is there.. Could this be a recommendation for the next build of the product? Just would make sense and easier than choosing repeatidly and putting in like 2.5million seconds? hehe.
  11. Marcos.. Downloaded 3 different MSI's from 2 different ISP's. Even tested my own from my FlashDrive that is a known good .MSI.
  12. When the Web Access- Anti-phishing module is enabled my clients web pages fail to load. When we disable this module everything works fine and all pages load. Already done uninstall-reinstall to no avail. After first re-install some pages like google were loading but after a couple minutes no hyperlinks would work and could not go to any websites. Customer has no time machine backups and was working last Sunday. Disabled MAC firewall but same issue. Confirmed no 3rd party AV's or firewall running. any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and hope customer does not go the refund route.
  13. This has nothing to do with PUA's peeps. If you look at his screenshot it says "Potentially Unsafe".. this is not a PUA.. You can go into advanced settings >> Computer - AV and antispware and then uncheck Potentially Unsafe. This item will even flag Network Analyzers as Unsafe.
  14. Thanks for the suggestion Paradoxvoid but my Client has returned the ESET product and staying with Microsoft Security Essentials.
  15. Same result with Live installer. eset kb article for this issue actually recommends the offline installer. SOLN2753
  16. Full Install error is: The Cabinet file 'core.cab' required for this installation is corrupt and cannot be used. The could indicate a network error, an error reading from the CD-ROM, or a problem with this package. error happens when trying to install Nod32 on windows 7 64bit computer. Have already unregistered and re-registered Windows Installer. Downloaded new .MSI from ESET website. Never used CDROM for this install. Used windows cleanup utility but did not find anything. Created new user account and confirmed permissions are good on Windows temp Folder. Confirmed on properties of .MSI file that it is not blocked. Performed full manual uninstaller with ESET uninstaller and manually cleared ESET from registry. Have searched online and cannot find anymore solutions. Any information would be much appreciated.
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